Visit Marlborough, Massachusetts
Discover the best activities and accommodations in Marlborough, Massachusetts

What to Do in Marlborough
Shoemakers like The Rockport Company and The Frye Company were both founded in Marlborough, a major shoe manufacturing center in the 1800s. While shoes are still produced here today, it's the high-tech and medical industries that primarily fuel the economy. Such leaders in innovation as Boston Scientific and GE Healthcare Life Sciences have their corporate headquarters in the city, which is centrally located near the Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90) and the intersection of I-495 and I-290. Serving the growing community are a number of scenic recreational sites, including The Grove Conservation Land, off SR 85 (Bolton Street), which offers walking trails and canoe access to Fort Meadow Reservoir, and the Assabet River Rail Trail, a multicity path that starts at Lincoln and Highland streets in Marlborough.