In a granite and marble memorial is an early 19th-century Kentucky cabin which symbolizes the cabin in which Lincoln was born. The memorial building was completed in 1911. Above the six granite columns at the memorial building entrance are carved Lincoln's words, “With malice toward none, with charity for all.” The memorial is reached by 56 steps, each representing a year of his life; a short, easy walk along a wooden boardwalk also leads to the memorial. The grounds of the park include 110 acres of the original Thomas Lincoln farm.
The visitor center has a re-created pioneer log cabin, exhibits about the family and the movie “Lincoln—The Kentucky Years.” Nature trails and picnic facilities are available. The park also encompasses the Abraham Lincoln Boyhood Home, 10 miles northeast on US 31E.
Allow 1 hour minimum. Daily 8-6:45, Memorial Day-Labor Day; 8-4:45, rest of year. Closed Jan. 1, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Free. Phone (270) 358-3137.